With our unwavering commitment to provide the most up-to-date and accurate information, we strive to become the leading source that businesses, researchers, and policymakers rely on for making informed decisions. Saleh Kamel Islamic Economy database represents the largest integrated data set ever to serve the Islamic economy, and consists of three main components:
Component 1: Scientific Data
It includes all decisions issued by Shariah bodies around the world, which is a long-awaited dream for all practitioners in the field of Islamic finance in particular.
Component 2: Executive Data
It is divided into two main sections:
Section I: Database of both profit and non-profit institutions.
It includes key data of Islamic economy institutions and Islamic windows of conventional institutions.
Section II: Database of Islamic Economics experts, Scientists and Executive.
It includes key data of Islamic economy executives in institutions, whose data is described in section 1, as well as Shariah scholars and academics.
Component 3: Halal Database
Which includes accreditation bodies, certification bodies as well as Halal companies.